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December 2012 - School news

From january we will be offerng adult ballet classes in caterham.

Adult Ballet:

December 2012


We will be starting a new adult ballet class at Marden Lodge School in Caterham from January. Please speak to Mrs. Brown or Miss Clare or contact us to find out more. Classes to be held on Wednesday evenings.

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Abbie lomax stars as cinderella at the chequers mead theatre at christmas

Pantomime Star:

December 2012


Former pupil Abbie Lomax is starring as Cinderella at Chequers Mead this Christmas. Congratulations Abbie! Tickets are on sale from the 31st-30th December 2012.

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Michelle Bishop is perfoming in kiss me ate at the old vic

Former pupil Michelle Bishop:

December 2012


Former pupil Michelle Bishop is performing in the West End production of "Kiss Me Kate" at the Old Vic theatre in London. The show is running from the 20th November 2012 - 2nd March 2013.

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maureen brown's dancing school's trip to the musical top hat

Christmas Theatre Trip:

December 2012


Our annual theatre trip is on the 12th December to see the musical "Top Hat" at the Aldwych Theatre. The coach will be leaving at 5.15 pm by Croudace in Caterham valley. 

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The Maureen Brown School of Dancing, Caterham, Surrey. tel: 01883 348 196 email:
Copyright 2012 The Maureen Brown School of Dancing | Caterham, Surrey
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